Life updates:
- New apartment has been snagged! It is GORGEOUS! Moving in about three weeks from now... :)
- My beautiful bike was stolen...

It's strange how, after existing for so long with so few material possessions, the things that you do own seem to take on magical properties. That bike went through so much with me. It hurt me, I hurt it. Eventually, with time, we learnt to love each other. The thing, though, is that Dunc went through so much to make that bike perfect for me. So much of his sweat went into it. And only then could my sweat also go into it!

Anyway, I'm being positive, despite the fact that I am now a slave to the public transport system (NO!). A friend said to me that this can perhaps be seen as the closing of a chapter of my life, and the new bike I get will be the opening of another. This co-incides well with moving to a new place that is unfurnished, that we will make our own - evidence of our desire to continue our 'new' lives here in Zurich, and of our want of making it all less temporary. Strange how saying 'less temporary' seems easier to admit to all my friends than 'more permanent'. Hmm...
We've got a big few weeks coming up! I'll keep you informed.
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