You know, posting so infrequently just makes writing posts all the more difficult. I often think of tiny little things I could write about, and yet I don't. I feel as though I need to catch you all up on life first. Also, hopefully understandably, the vast majority of my days are spent Ruben-related, and I fear that this blog is going to turn into a baby blog only, which is not what I want.
So here it is, my very brief summary of the past two months: Life is good, in fact, life is great. So great that I often get all teary with the realisation that this, right here, right now, is my amazing life. Sure, I'm tired, more tired than anyone ever deserves to be, and I wonder if I will ever feel well-rested again in my life. I'm not holding out any hope. But having days filled with giggles (mostly) and a little boy who smiles so widely when I appear makes the at-times nauseating fatigue worth it. I broke my elbow (horrrrrible!), my parents came to visit (amaaaazing!), my team won two big netball championships, husband is still great, house is still great, baby is getting greater by the day. Weather is getting cold, and I'm a little scared of how to deal with this and a little bean... but I'll figure it out... hopefully before one of us loses a limb from frostbite. My brain is slowly getting back snippits of creativity, and I'm hoping that a big writers' conference this weekend will reignite the flame.
So that's it! Updated. Phew. Now I can get back to blogging about little interesting things (that are hopefully not always Ruben-related).
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