So surely after one month I should be a fair way into my writing, yes? Well, let's break this down for you:
Week 1: Writing bonanza!
Week 2: Dave's visiting bonanza!
Week 3: Sick --> More sick
Week 4: More sick --> gradual recovery
Today, however, I went on my second mission (much more successful than the first) to rediscover my mojo in the big smoke of Bern, and I had a number of writing breakthroughs in just two hours. I already have a great plot, some possible subplots, great setting, great characters, strong conflict and tension... but I have really struggled with my point of view. I have tried writing sections in first person, then third, both sympathetic and omniscient, and then from the perspective of a variety of characters, but I knew something was missing. Today:
I finally figured out who was going to tell the story, and more importantly, why they are telling the story in the first place. Yippee for direction! And then I spewed out 2500 words in a remarkably short space of time. So, my mojo is found and I'm back on the straight and narrow. ish.Onto the business side of things, Dunc's interviews are in full swing - he has finally completed the entire interview process for Google and has kicked butt with it all, so we're hoping for an offer (oh dear, I've become one of those 'we' people) in the next week. You never really know though, and from the masses of online blogs dedicated to people analysing the grueling Google interview process, even the most seemingly intelligent and positive people are refused and advised to apply again in a year. So, here's hoping! We bought and ate a 'lucky marzipan pig' on the eve of his big interview though, so surely that means everything will work out just fine!
If that falls through, there are a multitude of other options - he had another big interview in Zurich today, and has another even bigger one on Monday. So it's all stations go before we leave on our 13 hour train ride up to Denmark to visit my rellies for Christmas.
So this is all very newsy and not particularly interesting... what can I do to step it up a bit? I know! Create a list!
Things I Want (when we have an income again! or... when I become famous?)

I have been playing guitar since I was ten years old and miss it. I brought a ukelele with us on our cycle tour, strapped to the back of my bike, but it just isn't the same.

A good whiskey. I discovered some great smoked whiskeys and I'd love to be able to afford to get my hands on a bottle. My Mum calls cognac her 'truth serum'; whiskey, apparently, is mine.

I am so so over my hideous (yet warm, I will admit) jacket. It's time for a jacket that is equally as warm, but actually fits me and looks semi-reasonable.

Even looking at this picture takes away muscle pain... ahh, one day.
So that's it for now, folks. I have a secret little plan organised for our wedding anniversary on Sunday... let's hope it all works out!
I, too, need to level up my winter wardrobe, and that coat looks perfect :P Looking forward to seeing you in your new natural environment in a few weeks!