Today's grand events:
1. We made porridge! A breakfast deviation, but we are on a bit of a health kick and are attempting no wheat, no dairy (I am going to have to learn how to survive without cheese again), no alcohol, no caffeine, no sugar. And damn, nothing beats a good bowl o' oats. With grated apple, cinnamon, walnuts and sunflower seeds - mmm mm mmmm.
2. Dunc had a Skype interview for a great job in Zug, a gorgeous area on a lake right near to Zurich. It sounds really interesting - engineering, but for a financial company (wow, it has become very obvious I am lacking in the lingo here) that revolves around stock market trading. It's a big shift from the prerequisite stint in the mining industry, but change is good! Of course, my poor lad stressed all day, but then kicked butt. Because he is awesome.
3. Dunc got his snow tyres for his bike!!!Yes, only one set. Unfortunately, we were a bit oblivious to the fact that we had to pay an e

4. I pumped out a few Christmas cards to a bunch of people that helped us out along our way, hopefully as a way to say that we have not forgotten all those random acts of kindness that were so frequently bestowed upon us while on our bikes.
5. I have been fighting off a cold and it seems to slowly be taking hold, despite the mountains of vitamins and such that I am taking. I think my body is realising that it can relax. Darn it! So there was a lot of couch and bed slumping today and a distinct lack of creativity. My man made me hot lemon drinks and tandoori chicken for dinner - what a star.

6. It was eleven degrees today. That's right, folks, eleven. That means that our poor little friend Sally the Snowlady melted quite dramatically. It is strange to notice such a shift in perception, though. Eleven degrees in Perth is positively one of the coldest winter days. Here, it is a freakishly warm start to December, and one has no need to zip up their jacket!
Such was our day of excitement up on the hill.
I commented - it disappeared. Still learning this blog thing.
ReplyDeleteThe day is dry here. Amazing. Must go and talk to the grass and inhale some coffee.
Porridge sounds good but be careful. Your proximity to Scotland means that kippers are on the horizon and thereafter haggis.
Snow tyres look good. That fixes the uphill problem. What about downhill? Are there snow brakes or is it still no brakes?
OK. Nuff. I must contemplate a blog.
Got better brakes too, but we'll see. I think the best strategy is turn around and go back uphill. Its more fun, too.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful writing my love.
ReplyDeleteMitch the jacket ... he's got plenty of shape!